Accueil Toilette Wood Vs. Plastic Toilet Seats Battle Guide 2021

Wood Vs. Plastic Toilet Seats Battle Guide 2021

Wood Vs. Main Features Of The Plastic Seat

These are the key points to consider when making a purchase decision.

Here are eight things to consider when choosing between a plastic or wood toilet seat.

1. 1.

The toilet seat comes with the toilet. It is usually made of molded plastic and lightweight. These seats are often considered uncomfortable and cold by many.

Wooden seats can be purchased separately. They are usually made from oak or medium density fiberboard, and painted white. Wooden toilet seats can be heavier than plastic ones and are more durable than plastic. These seats are also more stylish than plastic toilet seats, especially if you have a wood-themed bathroom.

2. Durability

In terms of their useability, plastic and wood seats are almost identical. Plastic toilet seats are more durable than wooden ones. Wood is a natural material and will eventually begin to deteriorate. Solid wood seats can discolor in bathrooms with high moisture. Seats made of medium density fiberboard will have the paint peel off. Wooden toilet seats can be made from four pieces of wood, which can split. Extremely light plastic seats, however, are more susceptible to cracks.

3. 3. Warmth

Before you buy a toilet seat, consider the warmth.

Many people find a hard, cold toilet seat uncomfortable, especially in the winter.

Wooden toilet seats are more efficient and effective than plastic ones when it comes heating. Even if the toilet seat is not located in a heated area, wooden seats don’t tend to become colder. If your bathroom does not have a heating system or plastic toilet seats, they can become extremely cold and uncomfortable.

A wooden toilet seat is the best choice if you want something that won’t freeze.

4. 4.

The cleaning of the toilet seat is another important factor. This is why it can be difficult to decide which toilet seat you should get for your bathroom.

Wooden toilet seats are not immune to moisture absorption. These treatments can cause toilet seats to smell, mold, or become uncomfortable. They will always remain damp.

These problems are not associated with plastic toilet seats. Plastic toilet seats dont absorb moisture immediately. You can also clean them quickly and easily. Cleaning a wooden toilet chair is difficult because of its natural texture, which allows for various elements to adhere to it.

Plastic toilet seats are more durable than wooden ones when it comes down to cleaning.

5. 5. Soft Closing

Many people love the soft-closing feature on a toilet seat. Toilet seats used to close very quickly, making a loud sound as the lid hits the seat. This can cause serious damage. Today, however, many plastic toilet seats are available with soft-close features. This allows them to close quietly and softly.

However, wooden seats don’t have a soft-close option. They are more rigid than plastic toilet seats and produce a lot of sound because they are heavier.

If you’re looking for quietness, a plastic toilet chair would be the best choice.

6. Look And Design

The design and look of the toilet seat is just as important as any other aspect. The style that you want is important. Match the color of the toilet seat to the rest of your bathroom. Plastic toilet seats may not be as elegant or as beautiful as wooden ones when it comes to style.

Plastic toilet seats are boring and plain in color, which doesn’t add much to the decor of the bathroom. Wooden toilet seats are more elegant and sleek and complement the decor of the bathroom. Wooden toilet seats can also make your bathroom feel more welcoming, cozy, and warm.

7. Cost Factor

No matter what you’re buying, the price is an important consideration. Toilet seats can be expensive due to many factors, such as brand, style and material. Plastic seats are usually more affordable than wooden ones, as we’ve already discussed. Prices can rise quickly depending on the type and quality of the wood used to make the seats. If you’re willing to invest a little, wooden toilet seats are more affordable.

8. Comfort Aspect

Comfort is another important aspect of choosing a toilet seat. Most plastic toilet seats are too thin and uncomfortable. Wooden toilet seats, on the other hand are thicker and more supportive. The material of the seat will also impact comfort factors such as whether it feels cold during winter or if it is warm in summer.

Benefits And Drawbacks Of Wooden Toilet Seats

This style of toilet seat is more fashionable and durable. They aren’t as popular anymore, but many people still use them.

This is a list of the top advantages and disadvantages of a wooden toilet chair.

Notable Advantages

A wooden toilet seat has many benefits. Let’s discuss three of them.

  1. Durability Most wooden toilet seats are much more sturdy than plastic and therefore less likely to be broken.
  2. Style Wooden toile seats offer a distinctive look for people who want to enhance their bathrooms’ overall design.
  3. Comfort The main benefit of wooden toilet seats over other types is their comfort. Wooden seats are especially well-suited for those who live in colder climates.

Few Drawbacks

Wood toilet seats have some downsides.

  1. Prices The only problem with models made from wood is the price. Wooden seats can be more expensive than plastic ones.
  2. Surface Protection Wood may fade faster than plastic and other synthetic materials. Although the seat is strong and durable, a wooden option may show more wear than a plastic one.
  3. General Maintenance You may also need to spend more time maintaining the seat in order to keep it looking good.

Advantages And Downsides Of Plastic Toilet Seats

Today, plastic toilet seats are more popular and common. You can also customize them with padding or stuffing. Here are the top upsides and minuses of these suits.

There Are Few Advantages

A classic plastic toilet seat has many benefits.

  1. Accessibility The main reason people choose plastic toilet seats over wooden ones is the fact that they are generally more affordable. No matter your budget, there is a plastic toilet seat that will fit your needs.
  2. Variety You’ll find a wider selection of plastic toilet seats if you are looking for a particular style or color. You should not have any trouble choosing a plastic toilet chair, especially if you are looking for a simple, single-colored seat that matches your toilet.
  3. Maintenance Plastic chairs are an excellent choice for large families. They are durable, more resistant to scratches, and are easier to clean. The seat is made of synthetic material and can withstand stronger cleaning chemicals. It’s lighter and easier for you to use and clean.

The Downside

There are also some disadvantages that you should consider.

  1. A Lack of Elegance Plastic seats are often considered less fashionable than wooden toilet seats. Plastic seats can feel cheap and lack elegance depending on how they are constructed.
  2. Coloration Some plastic seats may not be as durable as wooden ones. Plastic seats can also discolor over time, which will further affect the appearance of your bathroom.
  3. Comfort Plastic seats can be uncomfortable and cold, especially in winter.