Accueil Toilette Toilet Backing Up Into The Shower Causes And How To Fix

Toilet Backing Up Into The Shower Causes And How To Fix

What Causes The Backup?

The main sewer line can become clogged and cause backups in the smaller lines. Even partial clogs could cause visible backups in the main sewer lines connecting to your toilet or shower. The clog could be caused by many things.

These are five reasons why your toilet backs up in your shower.

1. Tree Roots

Tree roots can reach your sewer line during dry periods, as we all know. Even a tree from your neighbor’s house could reach your sewer pipe during dry periods, especially when there is a leak or weakness in your pipes. The roots will eventually reach the sewer line, and can cause damage to the pipes.

2. Hair

While we bathe, our hair can fall out. It happens slowly, and it may not be obvious at first. However, it can become a problem over time. It will form a net around the hair that will catch other items that should drain well under normal circumstances. This can slow down or stop drainage.

3. Flushed Objects

Clogs can often be caused by foreign objects. These include paper towels, toys for children, thick toilet paper, feminine hygiene items, and even paper towels. Water, biodegradable toilet tissue, and waste should all be flushed down your toilet. Sometimes even the flushable wipes can clog the toilet.

4. Pipe Scale

This mineral layer is composed of calcium and magnesium.

It is naturally found in water and can form on any surface that touches water. These elements can build up in your pipes and cause the layer to eventually form. This could be the reason for the blockage.

5. Grease

Oils, fats and grease can cause serious health problems if they are allowed to enter the drainage system. These substances can be washed away with dirty dishes. They will flow into your same sewer line as your shower and toilet if they are connected. You could see repercussions in your drains if they build up.

Take Action To Fix

Once you’ve identified the problem, it is now time to fix it. Many people will immediately go to the store and buy harsh chemicals to clear the blockage. Many chemical products claim to be able to clear any kind of clog. This type of problem is not possible to solve with chemicals. You don’t need to waste time or money on ineffective products. Instead, you can try the following methods.

. Head Above Water

You might need to turn off the main water supply before you can start looking for the best solution. It is possible for flooding to occur if there is a large clog. Most likely, the shutoff is located in your garage or basement near the water heater.

. You Can Snake It Up

Drain snakes are a powerful tool that can be used to remove stubborn clogs. If you have a drain-snake, be careful to lower it in the toilet. It could scratch the porcelain.

Once the snake is inside the toilet, spin it clockwise until it reaches the clog. Once you reach the clog, turn the snake counterclockwise until it is free. The same procedure can be used for the shower drain, but first, remove the drain cover.

Clear The Air Clear The Air

A blocked vent pipe could also explain why your toilet backs up to the shower. It is likely that the vent pipe is located above the bathroom. Grab a flashlight to check for obstructions in your vent pipe. To remove any clogs at the top, you can use a retrieval tool. If the clog is deep down, you can use a gardenhose to spray water. You can also use a drain snake.

Bottom Line

There may be a clog in your toilet that causes the water to back up into your shower. You can see that many things can block the pipes. It is important to determine the cause of the problem before you can solve it. Then, you can use the above-mentioned methods to remove it. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, you can hire a professional plumber.