Accueil Toilette How To Get Rid Of Toilet Bowl Ring. 4 Most Efficient Remedies

How To Get Rid Of Toilet Bowl Ring. 4 Most Efficient Remedies

What Causes A Toilet Bowl Ring

A toilet bowl ring can appear for many reasons. For example, if there is a constant change between wet and dry conditions, a ring will appear sooner or later. Also, it might appear due to hard water and mold, or even due to bacteria called Serratia Marcestens. If you use well water, you might even notice that your toilet turns black over time.

How To Remove A Toilet Bowl Ring

Usually, the bowl ring won’t appear if you clean the toilet every week. However, if it has already appeared and won’t go away, instead of using various commercial products, you can get rid of it with ordinary items. In a short time, your toilet will have the same white, shiny look that it had when you bought it. Just make sure to wear protective gloves.

Baking Soda And Vinegar

The first method that you should try uses some simple household items. It’s non-toxic, and if used properly, it will remove the toilet bowl ring in no time. First, pour a cup of vinegar into the toilet bowl and spread it around using a brush. Wait a minute or two, then sprinkle a little bit of baking soda, then add two more cups of vinegar. Wait around ten minutes, then use the brush and spread it again. You need to make sure that it has also reached under the rim, but don’t flush. Let it sit for 15 minutes, rub the remaining stains, and then flush.

Borax And Vinegar

Borax is an excellent solution for removing stains, especially those caused by hard water. Simply sprinkle a quarter of a cup of Borax into the bowl and swish it around with a brush. Then, add a cup of vinegar and swish again, but don’t flush. After half an hour, scrub the bowl again to remove the remaining stains, then flush.


Don’t make a mistake and use cleaners that contain bleach, because they can make the stains permanent. Instead, pour a cup of bleach into the bowl and wait for 30 minutes. Then, scrub the bowl and the area under the rim with a brush to remove the remaining stains. Then, flush once and the bowl ring should be cleaned.


If the stains are still stubborn, try using pumice. However, you should only use it now and then, and of course, use it carefully. If you use pumice too often, you can permanently damage the surface of the bowl. Consider using a Pumice Toilet Ring Bowl Remover since it’s soft and won’t damage the bowl if not overused.

Regular Maintenance

To prevent a toilet bowl ring from happening, you should do regular toilet maintenance at least once per week. Just sprinkle a cup of Borax into the bowl before going to bed, making sure that it covers the whole bowl. When you wake up, scrub it with a brush and flush. Since Borax stays on the surface for the whole night, it will loosen all the stains and make the cleaning effortless. It will even keep away toilet odors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Toilet Get a Ring So Fast?

Toilet bowl rings occur for different reasons, but it’s mostly because of hard water. If the ring in your toilet occurs pretty often, you should check the water hardness. If that’s not the problem, your water might have a high concentration of bacteria.

Can I Remove the Ring Using Coca-Cola?

It depends on how hard the stains are, but you can definitely try. Simply pour it around the edges of the bowl and wait a couple of minutes before flushing.

Bottom Line

As you can see, removing a toilet bowl ring doesn’t have to be difficult. You don’t even need harsh chemicals – simply follow our instructions, and you will get rid of all stains with ordinary household products.