Accueil Toilette What Does A Toilet Weight? The Average Weight Of A Toilet Explained

What Does A Toilet Weight? The Average Weight Of A Toilet Explained

Two-Piece Models

A two-piece toilet can be found in nearly every home today. These toilets are typically lighter and more affordable. They also come in a very easy to install format. It is easier to transport them to the toilet because they are made up of two parts. A two-piece toilet can weigh anywhere from 70 to 45 kg, depending on the number of pieces. The bowl of a toilet can be the most heavy, weighing in at 23 kg.

One-Piece Models

Because of their many benefits, one-piece units are increasingly popular. They look great and modern at first but are much easier to maintain and clean, even though they are heavier. Two-piece units have a little more space between the tank (and the bowl) than one-piece units. This gap is not present in one-piece units. They are typically around 41 kg and some may be 54 kg.

Wall-Hung Models

These wall-hung models are most commonly found in commercial buildings. However, you will still find them in a few homes. Some units include a tank hidden within the wall while others have direct water supplies. These toilets only have a bowl and weigh between 50-32 kg.

Portable Units

Even though portable units are not common, many campers and travelers use them. These units are made from plastic and weigh less than regular models. A portable toilet averages between 10 and 7 kilograms.

What Affects The Weight Of The Toilet?

There can be significant weight differences between models and manufacturers. You will be able to see the difference in weight between units of similar quality if you compare them. Here are some factors that can impact toilet weight.


Toilets are made from a special kind of porcelain. This is a combination of quartz and ceramic that produces a strong, durable material.

It becomes a heavier material when it is molded together and then hardened. Some models can be made from stainless steel, but they don’t last as long as porcelain.


Toilets do not have to be the same size as other items. Compact toilets are often used in smaller rooms. These models are slimmer and have a smaller tank, which has a direct impact on their weight. Consider the differences between round and elongated toilet bowls. The elongated toilet bowls are slightly longer than the rounder versions and weigh slightly more.

Extra Features

The weight of a unit that has more features is directly affected by its purchase. Bibet combos, for example, are known to significantly increase the weight of a toilet. The overall weight of your commode will be affected if it has heating elements, fans and deodorizers. It is great to have these options, but it can make it difficult to get your toilet to your home.

Is It Possible For One Person To Use The Toilet?

It all depends on what type of toilet you choose. A two-piece toilet should be easy to carry, as long as each piece is moved at a time. You may not need to lift the entire toilet on its new wax seal.

A one-piece unit should always be transported by someone if you purchased it. These models are difficult to lift by one person. It is even more challenging to align the bolts. Installing these models properly ahead of time is a must. If you don’t have the necessary tools, ask for help from a professional plumber.

Bottom Line

A toilet can weigh more than most people realize. You should be cautious when moving and installing a new commode. Because of its shape, it can be difficult to move between rooms. Accessing the bathroom can also be challenging.

It is possible to save time and have people help you make it a smooth process.