Accueil Toilette Two-Piece Dual Flush Toilets 5 Key Features 2021 Guide

Two-Piece Dual Flush Toilets 5 Key Features 2021 Guide

Let’s take a look at five key features of a dual-flush toilet.

1. 1.

A dual flush toilet looks very similar to regular toilets. However, it has some distinctive features, like the siphoning action. Dual flush toilets don’t have a siphoning action, so they can be flushed. Dual flush toilets have a larger trap area, which allows for more efficient flushing. A larger trap area also helps to reduce the likelihood of clogs, and keep the toilet clean. Depending on the manufacturer, two-piece dual flush toilets may have additional features.

These toilets have the most important benefit: they are water-saving. Dual flushing allows you to flush liquid waste with less water. This saves water and still clears solid waste effectively. Dual flush toilets can be EPA WaterSense certified. This means they use less water per flush and may qualify for rebates on your water bill.

2. 2. Cleaning Process

Two-piece toilets can be more difficult to clean than one-piece ones due to the joints and curves between the tank and bowl. These gaps and joints make it easier to clean and allow dirt to hide. These hard-to-clean areas can become extremely unsanitary over time.

3. Durability

Two-piece dual flush toilets are more durable than single-unit units. This is due to the manufacturing process. Flushing durability is generally the same for single-unit or two-piece toilets. However, two-piece dual-flush toilets will be more durable due to their better flushing systems. Construction durability also depends on the way the toilet was made, although single-unit toilets are more durable. Two-piece toilets are more susceptible to leaks and cracks than single-piece toilets.



Dual flush toilets that are two-pieces weigh less than single-unit toilets. They also have a lighter weight, which makes them easier to transport and set up. Installation of one-unit toilets is more difficult because they are heavier and more complicated. Two-piece toilets are easy to install, but each unit must be installed separately.

5. Noise Levels

You might be having trouble as a new parent if your baby wakes up every time your toilet flushes. A dual-flush two-piece toilet will likely give you a quieter flush, especially if you use the half-flush. However, noise depends on the flushing system. There are many options for flushing: up-jets or down-jets; Tornado flushing systems etc.