Accueil Toilette RV Toilet Will Not Hold Water. How Can You Fix It?

RV Toilet Will Not Hold Water. How Can You Fix It?

A Few Basics About Toilets

The most common issue with RV toilets is not being able hold water. The good news is that RV toilets can be used in an easy way and are very similar to other devices. If the toilet doesn’t hold water, it is usually because the blade seal has been damaged. The blade seal might become hardened over time, and the mechanism may stop working.

How Do You Fix An RV Toilet That Won’t Hold Water?

You can call a plumber to solve the problem. This problem can be fixed with basic DIY skills.

Select The Right Repair Kit

First, you should clarify which type of RV toilet you have. Even better, keep an instruction manual handy. You can find the serial number of your unit on the base. No matter what model you have, you can find a blade seal at most hardware stores for about €70.

How Do You Replace The Seal?

Turn off the water supply to the toilet and drain it from any water or pressure. Next, take out the bolts holding the unit to the ground and disconnect the water pipe from behind it. Place the toilet in a safe location. Place a towel over the open waste hole to seal it. You will need to take out the ring and place a new one at the same spot. To ensure the seal is properly holding water, you should add some water before you begin to replace it. Once you have replaced the seal, put the toilet back together and tighten the bolts. Let the water run for a few minutes and then test it to make sure it works.

Other Causes Of The Problem

Broken Water Valve

The water valve will eventually wear down and need to be replaced. If the water is still running after flushing, it’s time to replace it.

The problem is usually caused by the water valve becoming frozen, then heating at normal temperatures multiple times. It is usually a very simple fix and water valves can be purchased at a low price.

Broken Or Worn Flange

Another common problem with RV toilets is a damaged toilet flange. Leakage around the base is a sign that the flange has worn.

Wearn Parts

Most parts are made of rubber or plastic and will eventually break down. No matter what part you need, you should still be able to replace it.