Accueil Toilette How To Quickly Remove Rusted Toilet Tank Bolts Easily Toiletable.

How To Quickly Remove Rusted Toilet Tank Bolts Easily Toiletable.

Drain The Water From The Bowl Before You Start.

Turn off the water supply first by turning the valve nearby. Next, flush the tank with water and then soak any remaining water in a sponge. You should not skip this step as the water could reach the floor if you don’t loosen the bolts. Even if your toilet is tiled, you should wrap a towel around it to keep yourself safe.

Remove Tank Bolts Without Rust

If your toilet tank bolts are rusted, you should first consider what it would take to get them out if they were in good shape. You don’t need any special tools to remove bolts that haven’t rust. All you need is a screwdriver, and a wrench. You can remove the bolt by holding it in place using the screwdriver, and then loosening it with the wrench. Do not tighten the bolt with a screwdriver, as this could cause problems in the future.

Remove Rusted Tank Bolts

It is easy to remove tank bolts. It can be a little more difficult and frustrating to remove rusted bolts. Also, it might take some time, particularly if they are swollen. The tops of rusted bolts can become dust if you use a screwdriver to remove them. There are several things you can do if this happens:

Use A Mini Hacksaw

A mini hacksaw can be a handy tool to remove rusted tank bolts. Although the blade is flexible, it can be used to push the bolt under its head. However, you will need to remove the rubber parts to reach the bolt’s head. Once you have your saw in place, it should be easy to cut through the bolt.

Reciprocating Saw

This tool would be much quicker than a hacksaw but it is a little more difficult to locate. This tool is also more dangerous as you could easily damage the toilet.

A metal blade is a part of the reciprocating saw. It can be in different sizes. There are two types of blades: shorter blades (15 cm) that give you more control and distance. The right-sized blade should allow you to cut through the bolt to remove it. However, be careful not to hit the tank with the blade as you could damage the tank.

Bolt Cutters

Bolt cutters are a good option if nothing else works. Bolt cutters, although more costly, are a great tool to use when bolts are loose, but not coming off. They are definitely worth the cost.

Installing New Bolts

Once you have removed the rusty bolts it is time to put in new ones. Make sure you screw the bolt onto the nut, not vice versa. Don’t over-tighten any screws as this can cause damage to the weak material and make it difficult to remove once it becomes rusty. It is important that the toilet be repaired. However, it is better to have the tank repaired than damaged.

Leakage Can Be Caused By Toilet Bolts That Are Too Tight.

Most toilets are made of vitreous china, which is less durable than stainless steel. Over-tightening the bolts can cause cracks and leaking. Although it may only cause a few drops of water initially, the problem can grow to be much more serious over time. How can you know when to stop tightening?

We recommend that you use a small wrench to tighten both bolts simultaneously. You should be careful when things get too firm. You will likely only need to turn them about half an additional turn at this stage.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I need to install a new gasket?

You are replacing the tank bolts so this is a great opportunity to inspect if the gasket needs to be replaced. Nearly 90% of the work can be completed by simply removing the bolts.

How Do I Check The Tank Bolts?

Simply check the bottom of the toilet tank to find the bolts. You may also notice rubber washers inside that help keep water and moisture in the tank. These washers can become damaged or worn over time so make sure you check their condition.