Accueil Toilette How To Get Rid Of Brown Water In Your Toilet Tank

How To Get Rid Of Brown Water In Your Toilet Tank

What Causes Brownish Water?

If you notice brownish water in your toilet bowl after flushing it, flush again. Even if your toilet is older, sometimes a single flush will not be enough to get rid of all the waste. If the condition remains the same after flushing the toilet for the second time it is likely that the feces have not caused the brownish water. You must check for brown water from other sources in order to determine the source. Check all your taps, tubs, and sinks. Also, check for hot and cold water.

All Sources of Brown-Colored Water

If brown water is coming from all of your water sources, it is likely that there is too much iron in your water. There are several other signs that your water is iron-deficient. Most common signs are a swampy smell coming from your tubs and sinks, along with dark stains on your clothes. It can also taste like metal if your water contains too much iron. Galvanized steel was used in plumbing systems before 1960. This metal would eventually corrode. This rust turns tap water brown. There are still many galvanized steel plumbing systems in existence, but they have been mostly replaced with PVC.

Only Brown-Colored Water in the Toilet

Even if all other water sources look normal, it may still be a problem with corroded pipe. Separated pipes are not uncommon in bathrooms. Different pipes may be made from different materials, even though the water source is the same. It is possible for one pipe to have corroded while the rest are in excellent condition. If your water source is a natural well, it’s possible that there are dissolved materials in the water. The brownish hue is likely due to sediment. For your health, a contaminated or dirty well could be very dangerous.

In this situation, it is best to call a licensed plumber.

How To Get Rid Of Brown Water In Your Tank

It can be quite annoying to see brown water rushing into your bowl after each flush. But, fortunately, it is possible to fix this problem. Before calling a plumber, you should first consider a water softening system. Water softening systems can remove iron and other hard materials. There are chemical treatments that can lower the iron and bacteria levels in your water.

Can Corroding Be Prevented?

PVC pipes are not a concern if your plumbing system is made of them. Galvanized steel is susceptible to corrosion. Whole-house water filtration systems can be used to reduce iron levels in your water. Regular maintenance is essential to extend the life of your pipes. Galvanized steel pipes won’t last forever with even the best maintenance.

Our Bottom Line

You shouldn’t be disgusted by brown water from your toilet, as it is unlikely to have been caused by waste. Brown water is usually caused by rusty residue. This can be fixed by either installing whole-house water filtration systems, chemical treatments or changing the entire plumbing system to PVC. Find out how to choose the right toilet for you.