Accueil Toilette How To Dissolve Poop Blockage In The Toilet. Four Of The Best...

How To Dissolve Poop Blockage In The Toilet. Four Of The Best Methods

Using A Plunger

A plunger is an excellent tool that can be used to clean out a toilet. There are two types of plungers. A flat plunger is ideal for unclogging shower drains. A flange plunger is the second choice for unclogging toilets. Put on rubber gloves for the first step. Next, place the tool in the toilet and push it upwards and downwards. Pushing or pulling too hard could cause dirty water to splash all over the floor. You can repeat the process several times, then you should pull the plunger hard to break the vacuum.

Vinegar And Baking Soda

A plunger is usually sufficient to unclog the toilet. However, if this doesn’t work, baking soda and vinegar are great household agents that are non-toxic. This mixture is used to clean surfaces, deodorize, and fight greasy drains. It is very simple. Just pour 250ml of baking soda into your toilet. After waiting for a while, pour in a glass vinegar into the bowl. Wait for the mixture to form a fizzy chemical reaction that will dissolve the clog. To test the method, flush the toilet.

Use A Toilet Auger

Another popular tool for unclogging toilets is the toilet auger. We recommend that you first use a plunger to unclog toilets. A toilet auger is used mostly for severe clogs, where a plunger won’t work. This tool, also called a closet auger, consists of several parts. It includes a small cable that can snake through the drain to break down any kind of clog. The cable is enclosed in a hollow tube that is covered with soft rubber to protect the toilet bowl.

Hot Water And Detergent

Hot water and detergent are also proven to unclog toilets. This one, like the baking soda-vinegar method, is also very simple.

Boil 7 Liters of water first. Then add the detergent to the bowl. If you don’t have any detergent on hand, make use of any bar soap and cut it into small pieces. After the water has boiled, pour it into the bowl. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Finalize the process by flushing the toilet.

A Few Words At The End

There are several simple ways to unclog your toilet. Sometimes, hot water and detergent may not work. In these cases, it is a good idea to have a tool like a toilet auger and a plunger. If there is a severe blockage, you should call a plumber.