Accueil Toilette Top 5 Composting Toilets We Love

Top 5 Composting Toilets We Love

This technology allows for the processing of human waste without water, making it a great solution for hikers, campers, and rafters. It is also ideal for areas with poor drainage or limited water supply.

They are easy to transport your toilet with you because they are self-contained. The installation is easy and requires no plumbing or water.

Find the right model for you by learning about its essential features, working principles, and maintenance methods. It is easier to make a decision when you have an in-depth look at the products on the market. These are our reviews.

Products We Reviewed

We’ve reviewed the top compost models on the market. Which compost model is better? Continue reading to learn more.

1. 1.

Natures Head Self-Contained Toilet is a top seller. It features a sturdy construction and advanced composting technology. The aerating spider cranking handle stirs waste material thoroughly and effectively.

It is notable for its ability to store both liquid and solid waste separately. This allows for maximum composting.

You can choose from non-electric or waterless versions of the unit. The unit comes with a fan and vent hose for indoor setup. It is easy to assemble the unit, even for DIY-ers.

The toilet can hold 5-6 people.

Natures Head’s user-friendly design was created to be useful for people who frequently travel in certain areas.

In cases where electricity or plumbing are difficult to obtain, it can be used. It is equipped with an inner mechanism to maintain the ideal moisture level.

2. Nature’s Head Dry Toilet

Natures Head is the brainchild of our next contender. It was difficult to rank them. The spider handle is now replaced by a standard crank handle.

The seat’s elongated shape provides extra comfort and leg support. The separator helps to collect urine in a separate urine bottle. It reduces leakage and odor buildup.

A optional 12 / 110V extraction fan blows the odor down through a 13 cm pipe. Extra pipes may be required for RVs. To remove any by-products, the toilet container comes with a lid.

Another benefit is the ease of installation and proper ventilation. It is helpful in speeding up the composting process.

However, the urine tank must be emptied regularly, which can be frustrating for some. This model is not able to accommodate more than four adults, which was a bit disappointing.

3. Sun Mar Excel

Customers love Sun Mar models. This premium, waterless, nonelectric toilet is great at resembling a regular one.

This toilet’s most unique feature is its variable diameter bio-drum.

This makes the process easier and runs faster. Venting kit with 10 cm length ensures air circulation and helps to eliminate odors.

A metal stool is the best option for children, as they are the highest in their category. The package includes a stepping device, but we couldn’t find it stable enough. It is ideal for large families or heavy use due to its high capacity.

The product can last up to ten years if it is handled with care. If you forget to empty your storage tank, there is a drain outlet that will prevent any over-spilling. People who are dependent on the grid for a period of time (weeks or months) are strongly advised to use this drain outlet.

4. Biolet Toilet Systems

Another non-electric toilet system that is highly efficient is the Biolet Toilet System. This toilet can comfortably accommodate up to five adults on a weekend trip. It is ready to go right out of the package and does not require any additional wiring to activate it.

This unit has a unique two-batch design that allows for an extremely high capacity. The compact dimensions of the unit allow for a small footprint on your RV, boat or caravan. The aesthetically designed body will compliment any RV bathroom decor. It functions in the same way as a high-end toilet made by a well-respected brand. The crank handle makes it easy to move and allows for smooth operation.

We would prefer that the manufacturers focus their attention on improving the quality and design of the drain tube. It could leak if it is not properly set up.


Separett Villa

Separett is a well-known European manufacturer of plumbing fixtures. This stylish Swedish design is sure to keep your sanitation standards in check.

Because the model is small, it makes the toilet portable. The pipe has a urine diversion system which channels the liquid waste.

When you sit down or get up, the trapdoor automatically opens and closes. The composting process is done in a container with a compostable bag inside. You can easily remove the bag from the bin when it is full. The bacteria will finish the job outdoors.

What Is A Composting Toilet?

A composting toilet, a type of portable waterless toilet that makes compost fertilizer out of solid and liquid waste, is a variation on the waterless toilet. This is done by adding peat, fibrous plants or sawdust to the waste. These natural elements are decomposition agents and activate air circulation to initiate the treatment of sewage.

These units are waterless and pre-assembled, making them a great toilet solution for small boats, camping, hiking, and people who live in woods such as forest rangers. There are large areas of the country where water is scarce and vast areas that have yet to be developed. These units will provide excellent service to those who live in these areas.

Composting Principle

Perhaps you have heard of compost toilets, and are curious about how they work. To initiate the actions, you will need a good vent system, a warm environment and a way to handle the material.

The ventilation system evaporates 90% of human solid waste to shrink its volume and eliminate the odor. When the environment is warm enough, the decomposition process will be faster. You might consider purchasing the best composting toilet if you plan to travel in colder areas. To keep the toilet clean and free of odors, you will need to empty the basin every so often.

Common Issues

Maintaining the toilet requires stirring and removing waste.

You should be careful to avoid making a mess. Traditional toilets do not get extra points in this step.

The right composting materials will be needed. Materials like sawdust or peat moss are added to the basin and stirred.

The storage will need to be emptied regularly. It’s not an easy job.

You must also ensure that the vents work properly. Vents should allow for adequate airflow to allow stink to escape.

It can cause a horrible smell, no matter how unpleasant it may sound. It is a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to dispose of your waste for a noble cause.

Different Types Of Composting Toilets

You can buy self-contained composting toilets in both non-electric and electric versions.

Modern self-contained units require electricity to operate a fan or heater at the base. This is to eliminate odors and gases. Average models consume between 80 and 150 watts of power. A standard 110-volt household power supply is the essential requirement.

An electric-powered toilet is a great option because it generates warmth. It increases aerobic activity and bacterial activity. The best thing about a self-contained toilet? No plumbing is necessary.

Only one job is required: correctly set up the vent stack. These units are much cheaper than other composting toilet types in terms of cost. This toilet can also be used in colder areas without any problems.

The central composting toilet, a two-piece structure, closely resembles traditional toilets.

The basement is where the central unit is located. The flushing system can be used to create two additional types of composting toilets. The first is a 1 pint flush, in which the central composting device is hard-wired 15 to 6 m below the toilet.

To connect the composter and the basin, you will need an 8 cm pipe. The second type is waterless. These systems use a 25 cm long plumbing pipe that is connected to a composter underneath the toilet. To draw down the odor, the pipe creates a vacuum in the toilet.

Things To Consider Before You Buy

Installation Space

Measure the rough-in if you are thinking of altering an existing toilet. This will help you determine the size of your bathroom’s toilet. This is especially important if you have a small bathroom.

Central composting models require more space than self-contained units. For the latter type, you will need an exterior vent hole as well as plenty of space below the toilet for the tank to be placed.

Energy Consumption

High-end composting toilets are known for their low power consumption. You might consider a solar-powered unit if you don’t have an electrical connection.

Non-electric models are powered by batteries. It is a good idea to have some spare batteries. To move the extractor fan or heater, the electric models require a domestic power output of 12 to 110 V.


Modern designs are simple to use and maintain. Users only need to empty the storage area once in a while. Certain products require more extensive maintenance.

To find out how often you need to dispose of the byproduct, read the manufacturer’s instructions. You can hire a professional to help you if you don’t want to be involved in cleaning.

However, it is important to empty the compost tank promptly in order to remove the odors and keep the system working efficiently.


Once you have assessed the key features and functions, you can decide if the product is worth it. It is not worth spending a lot on a high-priced product if you can get similar features from a model that costs half the price. Make sure you have a clear picture of your needs and listen to your gut.

If you’re on a tight budget and can’t find the right item for you, it is worth saving up more than buying a cheaper option. Toilets can be long-term investments. If you decide to buy one, ensure that it is worth every cent.

Comparing Portable Vs. Composting

If a toilet uses no toxic chemicals, its considered to be environment-friendly. It is different if the toilet is composting. This means that the waste from a toilet can be safely used to make fertilizer.

You can also find special gels in some toilets that can be used to treat your waste before you dump it. These toilets can be called composting toilets, but they are not. A composting toilet is the best option if you are looking to make fertilizer.

Tank Capacity

Another important thing to consider is the tank capacity. It can take several weeks, or even months, depending on how often you use the toilet. It is a little different if you purchase the toilet for your RV, boat or other vehicle.

A toilet should last for at least 5 weeks before it needs to be empty. The majority of toilets in our list have a capacity greater than 23 Liters.

Selecting A Model

You should consider utility usage when choosing a toilet.

Some toilets may still require water, even though they are composting. Some toilets may even require electricity to compost. A solar-powered toilet might be a good option if you are looking to cut down on your monthly bills.

People who need a dry toilet are best served by sawdust or peat. It is also important to consider whether the media is readily available.

Let’s now talk about the smell. To prevent the smell from getting out, most units have special traps. It does mean that everyone would need to sit while they urinate.

Waterless Toilets: The Benefits

Waterless toilets offer many benefits. It will help you save a lot on water every month. You will be amazed at how much money you can save each year by doing the calculation.

The best thing about these toilets? They can be used to fertilize your garden with the waste.

You will also be free from the sewage system. You won’t have to dispose of the waste in the sewer because it is turned into fertilizer.

Installation And Maintenance Guide


Installation of these units does not require plumbing. Two things are necessary. You need to ensure that there is enough space for you to remove the waste bin. You should also be able rotate the handle, which actually starts the composting process.

You will usually need brackets to attach the toilet to your floor and the hose to vent the air. You may have to go to a hardware store if the hose is not included in the box.


These units are very easy to maintain. When you use the toilet, press the handle. You will not need to check the bins. You will usually have two bins, one for liquid waste and one for solid. You should empty the liquid waste bin every few days.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What is the fan’s consumption of electricity?

It all depends on the model. Most models require 12v power to operate.

Is the composting toilet obnoxious?

Many composting toilets have sealed valves that don’t smell bad. It is important to use them correctly. It is possible to get a strong odor from mixing liquid and solid waste.

Where can I get the peat moss?

Peat moss can be found in most garden shops. Peat moss can be found in most garden stores. This makes it an excellent choice.

Where should you dump the waste?

This is the best thing about these toilets. The waste can be disposed of in your garden. If you’re not at your home, check the laws regarding dumping.

How do you empty the toilet?

The bin’s solids will gradually turn into fertilizers. Once the solids are ready, you can place them in a bag and dispose of them. You can dispose of liquids in the same way as liquids.

How Many Times Should You Empty the Toilet?

It all depends on how often and how often you use it.

It should last at most a month before the tank is completely full.
What is the Cost of these Toilets?

It all depends on the quality of your toilet. Units can be found for as little as €80. However, top-quality units will cost you anywhere from several hundred to more than a thousand dollars.

Wrapping Up

When you’re on the go, composting toilets can be a more convenient alternative to traditional flushing toilets and even portable bag-type models. The decomposition process transforms waste into useful materials.

For those with limited funds, the high price may be a deterrent. A composting unit will save you time and money in the long-term.

This toilet system also provides an effective solution to water shortages and problems with the sewage system.

Although switching to a less well-known toilet may not sound appealing, once you see how cost-effective and convenient quality models can be, you’ll soon change your mind.